Friday, June 28, 2013

On what are you basing your confidence?

God repeats this phrase throughout the Old Testament when he asks his people why they fell? 'Why did you get distracted? What made you put your hope in that? Why did you put all your eggs in that basket?' Ok, not a direct quote, but this is a big deal! Where are we putting our confidence?

In the last couple days I have noticed that my confidence was misplaced. Today I caught myself feeling useless, inadequate, unskilled...I felt lack of confidence. Then I realized I have definitely had confidence, but I have put it in all the wrong places. This is my confession.

It turns out that when we misplace our confidence, we also misplace our hope and a bunch of other our hearts, or our brains. Call it addiction, idolatry, pursuits...but no matter what, I would ask you to locate your confidence! Take an inventory: what do you hope in each morning when the sun shimmies its way through your blinds? And what confidences do you kiss goodnight until you can return to them in the mornings?
(Ok sorry, not trying to preach, just some thoughts)

On another note:
Thursday we began our homestay - each intern has been welcomed into the home of various Peruvian friends for a few days. My family is wonderful! I have a mom and a brother and sister... also a man who I've never met, but he lives in our house? My sister says it's ok :) Today we had a normal schedule as far as classes go, but tomorrow we will be living the life of a Peruvian. I will shadow my mom, Adela, as we wake up tomorrow morning at 4:30am to buy and prepare vegetables to sell at the market. I will let you know what I learn from this wonderful experience. How many people get to do this on the weekends???

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