Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Where do we go from here?

Today has been a day of tears. Reality is making itself known in that we will not be here in Arequipa forever. For two weeks we were blessed to host a group of 16 Harding University students. Arequipa was one of a few stops during their summer missions internship. They left this morning, headed for Cuzco, and soon after, to the USA.

We are now back to "normal" which includes our final language and cultures classes, our last house church meetings, final morning runs with my Mission Mom, ultimate nights watching the Cosby show with the family, and, well...numerous lasts. 

Today in my language classes, I kept having these weird flashbacks to elementary school and to high school. I can't explain it, but it was like a superhuman awareness I had for my past... REALLY strange. The strongest emotions I've ever felt came back into my present conscious this morning, compounded with the sadness I already feel for leaving this place. 

It made me wonder: why does God gives us the ability to feel things so strongly? Why are we able to taste pieces of Heaven? It has occurred to me that unless we are being intentional about who we are around, we will be physically separated. And, even when intentions are to be together, sometimes circumstances create distance. 

So where do we go from here?

The internship officially ends one week from tomorrow. I feel that God has begun teaching me another lesson titled "How to live at home." How many times have we sung songs: this world is not my home, I'm just a'passin through...or...this is my temporary home, it's not where I belong... I am learning that this is something I never really believed, it's only something I have said.

God is teaching me to live in Him rather than in South America or in the United States. He is whispering: 'Make your home in ME, yearn only to return to ME.' I haven't learned yet, I think this is why I'm still in tears. Please pray that satan will not cloud the vision God has opened up to us through his love and his forethought plan for His Kingdom. 

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.  2 Corinthians 4:18

1 comment:

  1. Well, I have to say I'm looking forward to seeing you back in the States but I can definitely understand your love for this country I've never been to. God is good and I know He will give you peace when you return as you pursue Him. I might be in Texas when you get back but I'd love to get together to talk if our schedules line up. Praying for you and I've really enjoyed reading about and seeing this amazing journey God has led you through.
